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TweakIE9 - IE9優化了沒?

TweakIE9 - IE9優化了沒?



IE9 Tweaker

IE9 Tweaker is a straightforward piece of software that gives you the possibility to make some adjustments to Internet Explorer 9.

IE9 Tweaker lets you tweak Internet Explorer 9

2021年4月20日 — We are pleased to release IE9 Tweaker, which lets you tweak some select settings of Internet Explorer 9 easily. While our Tweak IE lets you ...

IE9 Tweaker Lets You Tweak Internet Explorer 9 Settings

IE9 Tweaker Lets You Tweak Internet Explorer 9 Settings · Set menu bar to be always visible · Set menu bar on top · Set InPrivate Filtering to be always on · Set 3D ...


2011年5月30日 — 再來就是主畫面了,每一個項目前方都有一個圖釘,點擊之後變成藍色釘上去的圖示表示要使用這個設定,全部設定完後,再點擊右下角的「Tweak IE9 Now」就 ...

Internet Explorer 9

2021年5月22日 — Getting back to IE9, the most significant tweak that is possible is Enabling TLS 1.1/1.2 support in Vista's Internet Explorer 9. You would ...

Tweak Internet Explorer 9 (IE9)

TweakIE9 is a free portable tool that allows you to tweak and customize Internet Explorer 9 (IE9). It also allows you to make a custom new tab page.

Tweak Internet Explorer with IE Tweaker Plus

2021年4月28日 — Our IE9 Tweaker v 1.0 allowed you to tweak a few settings in IE9 RC. Our Home Page Maker allows you you to customize your Internet Explorer, ...

[IE9]使用第三方軟體IE9 Tweaker Plus 做Internet Explorer 9 ...

2011年3月30日 — 軟體名稱: IE9 Tweaker Plus. 下載網址: http://www.thewindowsclub.com/tweak-internet-explorer-9-with-ie-9-tweaker-plus.

使用IE9 Tweaker Plus轻松自定义Internet Explorer 9 翻译

2020年9月30日 — If you use Internet Explorer 9, we found a useful program, called IE Tweaker Plus, that allows you to easily tweak and customize over 27 ...


界面设计比较简单,按照属性划分成了“UI”、“启动”、“下载”、“安全”、“小工具”几个小类。每一个项目都被设计成了直观的一键式启闭,调整选项后点击底部的“Tweak IE9 now” ...